A hiking trail that goes through pine forest with a lake in the background.
Four persons are walking in the forest with a lake in the background.
A few people are standing and talking in the forest with a nice view of the forest and lake.

Jungfrubergsstigen at Lugnet 5 km

Falun, Falu kommun, Stadshuset, Slaggatan 3D, Falun

The trail is mostly on natural trails in somewhat steep terrain. The highlight of the trail is the summit of Jungfruberget where the trail turns.

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Good to know

  • 1-2 hours
  • 2-4 hours
  • Forest
  • Mountain area
  • City
  • Round loop
  • Medium difficulty
  • Parkering
  • Shelter
  • Public transport
  • Nature trail
  • Gravel
  • Spring
  • Autumn


Find here

Visiting address: Falu kommun, Stadshuset, Slaggatan 3D, Falun, 791 71 Falun