Fishing reel.
Fishermen on the rocky beach next to rushing river.
Quiet evening by the lake where fishermen sit on the beach with a fishing rod on his shoulder.
fishermen stand in the middle of the river and are fishing.
Five shiny fish lie on moss land.

Fishing Adventures - Sälen

Sälen, Sälens by

Transtrand´s fishing area is 6,500 hectare (25 sq. miles) of fishing waters including approximately 20 lakes, small forest lakes and 190 km /118 miles) of fast water prodiving the perfect conditions for all types of fishing. Game fish are to be found in most waters. The river Fuluälven and Görälven are included in the best fly fishing waters in Sweden in regards to grayling and salmon trout.

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Visiting address: Sälens by, 780 67 Sälen