Exterior of Näset Bystuga.
The backside of the house.
The garden at the house.
Bathroom with shower and sauna.
Terrace at the house.
Winter garden.
toilet and a sink.
Kitchen inside the house.
Kitchen inside the house.
Room with lots of chairs and tables.

Näsets bystuga

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At Näset, about 4 km north of Älvdalen with a view over Nässjön, is Näsets bystuga located with up to 20 beds.

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Good to know

  • Pets not allowed

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<% Summary.RecommendedYes %> of <% Summary.RatingCount %> recommends

<% score.Name %>

<% score['Rating'] | roundRating %>/<% score['RatingMax'] %>

<% review.Title %>

<% review.Body | truncate %>

"<% review.Body %>"

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Created <% review.Completed | toLocaleDate %>

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