Aerial view of the Green Hotel with Siljan in the background.
Three women in folklore costumes are walking on a lawn in front of two red timber cottages.
View over treetops with autumn leaves and lake Siljan.
Outdoor pool and several flagpoles in a row.
Green Hotel from above in the evening wintertime.
Flowering trees and a gravel road leading to the hotel.
Gym in the basement.
Boy jumping into the outdoor pool.
Two boys diving into the pool in a room with several dalecarlian paintings on the walls.
A couple with folklore costume in front of the house.
Persons on the terrace in the sunset.
Woman relaxing in the jacuzzi with frost-covered trees and Siljan in the background.
Person in a dressing-gown is sitting on the edge to the indoor pool.
Brown timber house with red windows and snow on the roof.
Children in folklore costume and flower wreaths in their hair are sitting on the lawn.
Living room with seating.
View of the village and lake.
Double bed and two armchairs.

Green Hotel

Tällberg, Ovabacksgattu 17

The original Green Hotel was built by Hilda Andersson in 1917 and served as her residence for many years. It became a hotel in 1947 when it was purchased by Ninni and Börje Green.

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  • Antal våningar:
  • Antal konferensrum:
  • Number of bars:
  • Number of rooms:
  • Built in year:

Good to know

  • Breakfast
  • Pets not allowed
  • Restaurant
  • Charging station electrical vehicle
  • Conference rooms
  • Sauna
  • Spa
  • Wifi

Find here

Visiting address: Ovabacksgattu 17, 793 70 Tällberg


Overall opinion
<% Summary.Rating | roundRating %>
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<% score.Name %>

<% score['Rating'] | roundRating %>/<% score['RatingMax'] %>

<% review.Title %>

<% review.Body | truncate %>

"<% review.Body %>"

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